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Durata: 100 min

Lingua: VOS con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano

Regia: Lim Sang Su

‘Dow’ running a motel with an elderly mother with dementia. One day, mother goes missing.
Winter is deepening, ‘Dow’ suffers from nightmare because has not found mother. Then one day, a young man(Ho-seung) who looks like a questionable stay in the motel for a long time.
Looks somewhat dangerous ‘Ho-seung’, roams around ‘Dow’ and watches it.

100 min

Lingua: VOS con sottotitoli in inglese e italiano

Regia: Lim Sang Su

‘Dow’ running a motel with an elderly mother with dementia. One day, mother goes missing.
Winter is deepening, ‘Dow’ suffers from nightmare because has not found mother. Then one day, a young man(Ho-seung) who looks like a questionable stay in the motel for a long time.
Looks somewhat dangerous ‘Ho-seung’, roams around ‘Dow’ and watches it.
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